{{:libradtran.png|}} libRadtran - library for radiative transfer - is a collection of C and Fortran functions and programs for calculation of solar and thermal radiation in the Earth's atmosphere. libRadtran is freely available under the GNU General Public License. **Authors:** Bernhard Mayer, Claudia Emde, Josef Gasteiger, and Arve Kylling **Newest release:** 2.0.5 from July 25, 2023. **libRadtran reference publications:** * C. Emde, R. Buras-Schnell, A. Kylling, B. Mayer, J. Gasteiger, U. Hamann, J. Kylling, B. Richter, C. Pause, T. Dowling, and L. Bugliaro. **The libradtran software package for radiative transfer calculations (version 2.0.1).** //Geoscientific Model Development//, 9(5):1647-1672, 2016, [[http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/9/1647/2016/|link]] * B. Mayer and A. Kylling. **Technical note: The libRadtran software package for radiative transfer calculations - description and examples of use**. //Atmos. Chem. Phys.//, 5: 1855-1877, 2005, [[http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/5/1855/2005/acp-5-1855-2005.html|link]]